Logo for Gwebi college of Agriculture being a Zimbabwe bird Address for Gwebi College of Agriculture until 1980

Gwebi Reunion, Adelaide, South Australia, 11-12th July 2025

A Gwebi Reunion is being held to co-incide with the Lions Tour to Australia in July 2025.

The proposed location is Adelaide as the fixture will be a Lions versus a combined invitation Australia/New Zealand team. Adelaide is midway between the east and west coast of Australia with direct flights to New Zealand. It is also a terrific city and surrounding area to visit with great vineyards, beaches and entertainment close by with reasonable and affordable accommodation.

Tickets to the game go on sale on 7 March 2024 so please hold the date and those that contact early will be part of a block booking.

A venue will be booked close to the city to host the reunion and transport will be organised to the game at the Adelaide Oval.

Contact Fred Lyon, Roger Manly or Mike van Blommestein for more information or go to the Contact page on this website.



This website relates to the first 30 years before Gwebi College diversified away from the traditional two year diploma course when Gwebi College of Agriculture Diploma Day 1955 with Prime Minister and Mrs Garfield Todd, Lord and Lady Acton, Dr and Mrs Fielding and Dux Student J C Browningstudents enrolled after completing one season on a farm. Contact amongst past students was maintained through the Old Gwebian Association for many years. However, the commercial farming community was decimated during the process of resettlement then farm invasions followed.

This website holds records of students that graduated and received awards. A comprehensive table shows year of attendance/graduation by Year for 'Students'. There is a list of former 'Staff' members. The 'Principals' are described.

At one time or another many farms were on the frontline during the Rhodesian Bush War and some were on constant alert. More than 300 farmers and their families perished on their farms or while on active service. Farmers were targetted after the formation of Zimbabwe and tribute is paid to Old Gwebians that were subsequently killed. Old Gwebians are honoured in the 'Roll of Honour'. Gwebi College of Agriculture Course 14 on tour

Lifelong friendships were forged at the College. However with the dispersal of the commercial farming community, contacts were lost - virtually overnight. A network that was started by Colin Lowe amongst his Course 16 colleagues has grown progressively. Much of the content on this website comes from that ongoing correspondence which reaches 80 former students and staff. Steve Bennett, lecturer 1973-1978, designed this site and powers it. Anecdotes from Old Gwebians are documented in 'News'. This is growing with new stories coming in so that it spreads over many chapters.
There are many gaps in these pages so if anyone would like to make their own contributions or corrections, please send an email using the 'Contact' page. Students from Course 1 graduated more than 60 years ago so their treasured memories need to be captured on these pages before they are lost forever.
Unless credited otherwise, text on this website has either been compiled by Steve Bennett or Colin Lowe.


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